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7 top tips for effective brand management

Feb 12, 2019 - by Lauren Jones
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So – you’ve gone to all the trouble of defining your brand strategy, built a beautiful branding identity and got your channels to market sorted.

You’re out there, doing your thing with a brand you love – you’ve created one of your biggest assets, your brand.

From websites and social media to employee engagement and communications, these factors and increasingly more, dictate how your brand is perceived by your customers.

What’s next?

How do you protect it, nurture it, grow it?

How do you get your team all on board, maintain your position in the market, speak to your audience across all your touch points with one clear voice?

Here are 7 tips for effective brand management to help with all these things and stay ahead of the competition:

1.  Your employees are your first customer

Company employees are your brand ambassadors.

Your whole team – not just this in sales and marketing – need to know how to talk about your brand, products and services.

Engage and train your employees to be better brand ambassadors, equip them for interaction away from the business, if they are prepared then any interaction can be a potential sale.

Ensure everyone is aligned on a singular message by having effective and regular communications in place with your team.

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2. Your brand is an asset – invest in it and protect it

It is understandable that priorities and focus can shift budget reallocation and resources can be pulled away from certain brand and marketing activities not deemed a priority.

Remain fluid whilst ensuring the brand team have what they need to effectively communicate, grow and protect one of your biggest assets.

4. Use social media carefully and for the good of the brand

Select and use the right social channels to leverage your narrative.

Social media offers a wealth of opportunity as well as inherent issues that come when your customer base can directly communicate to a wider audience.

Use these interactions as excellent customer service opportunity – showing the world positive interactions, true engagement and ability to be open and listen.

5. Stay relevant in a changing world

Remain relevant, topical, show how your brand works in a modern market in keeping up with the latest technologies and media channels.

This can help connect you to your audience and introduce you to new ones.

6. Consolidate marketing technologies and platforms

Keep it simple.

Ensure KPIs and results are easily tracked and on-boarding staff get to grips swiftly by consolidating platforms, technologies, budgets and energies.

Invest in platforms that combine functions to enable better efficiencies and tangible results.

7. Be transparent, consistent and accountable with audience

Break barriers of suspicion and dubiousness in order to build trust with audiences- this requires sustainable practices of brand communications and be accountable for wins and losses.

Ensure you have brand guidelines that are adhered to at every interaction to include visual and verbal tonality.  Set guidelines around how public interactions should be managed and communicated.

Remain honest and authentic throughout. Audiences have access to a wealth of information, so be true and accountable.

Need support managing your brand? Get in touch with us today!