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Scream at your audience.

Apr 22, 2023 - by Lauren Jones
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What happened to all that hard work, that value, those insights?? Not much it turns out.

The reason you maybe struggling to get through to anyone is that you’re so busy putting stuff out, you’re spraying the brand and content far and thin, rather than being a hyper focused, targeted and making a REAL impact.

By putting out branding and content, that gives a well-rounded view, that covers all the bases, that doesn’t discriminate, that is for all, is careful not to offend, not to miss anyone out, is universal, is timid, unsure, vanilla, of no use to anyone… you are doing a huge disservice to your offering and to you.

Because in playing it safe, you’re not being seen.

By being for all, you’re not for anyone.

By not standing for something, you’re not standing for anything.

By not having stand out quality, you’re going to pale into the background.

The only way to really get to the audience that’s right for you is just to scream at them. But this does not have to mean disruption, offensiveness, aggressive marketing tactics or avante garde design.

It can be subtle, quiet, stealth, smart.

It comes from a rich understanding of what your audience need from you.

It comes from a deep knowing of you, your offering and its value.

It comes from the confidence in what you do and how you do it.

This can stand out so profoundly to your chosen audience that they can not ignore it. It taps into their psyche, it resonates with them, they feel they belong with you and you are the one for them.

Picture your past clients – the ones that were a real joy to work with, where you could do your best work, where there was a real connection.

This is the client you want more of, lots of, forever more.

Picture them.

Every time you need to write something – write for them.

Every time you need to create something – build it for them.

Every time you need to sell something – speak to them.

Have one person in mind and every bit of content, every bit of writing, every visual you create, it’s for them.

This makes things so much easier, clearer and straightforward and you can be super focused and intentional. You know this person so intimately that you know what words are going to get their attention, what visuals they find aspirational, what offer meets their needs.

No – it won’t be for everyone, but that’s great – because the person who really IS for you will see that AND STOP rather than scroll past.

You will be unignorable to them.

That’s the goal.

So step away from the fear of saying no potential business – get focused and scream at your audience, you will be all they hear above all the noise.
