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Does it spark joy?

Oct 15, 2022 - by Lauren Jones
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A client of mine once told me “you Marie Kondo the sh*t out of branding”…

“Does it spark joy?” sprung to mind.

Decluttering sprung to mind.

Space and clarity sprung to mind.

Love or hate her, you can not deny the incredible sentiment the phrase “sparking joy” holds from the pocket-sized genius that is Marie Kondo.

I admit it. I completely binge-watched her series whilst simultaneously scrolling West Elm, Habitat and La Redoute for the perfect boxes to house all my shit.

I love this sentiment and everything it means – of keeping things that hold a value, that have a place and that can be highlighted, everyday.

Equally the culling of stuff that no longer serves its original purpose, isn’t fit for purpose or that just doesn’t actually fit anymore.

And with that, letting it go with compassion and honoring what it DID bring you before.

Yes – it got me thinking about our brands and our branding kits in particular, and the experience that my clients have after our work together.

How much stuff are we holding onto in our brand that no longer fits, no longer serves our clients and isn’t fit for purpose anymore?

Have you out-grown it?

Have you seen a change in your audience and need to shift?

Have you shifted and need to update your toolkit?

Has a global pandemic and impending recession kicked your ass and you need to level up or lose out?

Firstly, high five that if it’s a hell yes to any of these.

This is growth.

So if it’s time your brand sparked joy again, then I love nothing more than Marie-Kondoing the hell out of businesses to get you back on track.

Lauren 🌱