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What my big family taught me about branding.

Apr 29, 2022 - by Lauren Jones
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I’m one of 4.

Growing up, it was fairly organised chaos in our house – my mum constantly on the go looking after us, my brothers ultimately picking on us two (twin) sisters, striving to beat us at school or vying for the tv remote.

But it was a loving, harmonious place.

We were a unit.

Hell – it was the 80’s, sometimes we even ALL wore matching outfits…. Some things should definitively stay in the 80’s.

We all really got on. And got on with it.

So, it struck me this week to reflect on my methods at Box, and what I’d learned from that experience that informs me today.

What did it mean to come from a large family and what the fluff does that have to do with branding?





We are a family. We are also brand Jones.

We are made up of a mix of skills, personalities, traits, strengths and weaknesses – that, collectively, make the brand Jones, our family, our culture.

And they all worked together, not always in tune, but together:

Mum–    the creative, always busy, caring one
Dad–      the quietly observing one
Dean–    the ambitious, schmoosing one
Gav–      the detail driven, researching one
Katie–    the multitasking, patient, nurturing one
Me–       the creative, productive, wanderlusting one

We all have our own roles, set of expectations, motivations, perceptions and needs but together, we’re strong and complimentary.

We understand what it means to be part of a bigger entity, and are aligned in our deep rooted values: creativity, caring, consideration, helpfulness.

Being part of this means I’ve grown up appreciating (not always) and understanding our differences and how they can all work together, not against each other – we all have a place.

I am always grateful for the lessons this has taught me when it comes to building brand personalities, in understanding business cultures and team dynamics and how to play to strengths at every turn-when we play to them, everyone wins.

When we focus on what we don’t do, everyone loses.

Brand isn’t just one thing, one person, one set of believes – it’s a cumulative experience and sum of its parts, each as valuable as the next and has its place.

It’s an experience of attributes that leads to a culture, rooted in values.

A brand.

A family.

My family, I’m proud to be a Jones.

Tell me about a family brand trait and culture you bring into your daily life/work here.

Lauren 🌱