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4 steps to some serious brand loyalty

Jul 15, 2020 - by Lauren Jones
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Want clients to come back again and again? Telling their friends all about how great you are? Doing the selling FOR you?

Ferocious nods all round, right?

Simply put, if you give people a great, memorable service and experience, they are HIGHLY likely to come back again – and tell people about it.

In fact, with each new offer, product or service you put out there, they are increasingly likely to engage with you and PAY you:

Create a brand experience that sells in 4 steps:

Step 1: Brand Strategy

Your brand strategy helps you understand the brand roots. Check out this post about brand strategy. Get a brand strategy, get clear, and get on track for success.

Step 2: Context and Communication

Now you’ve got a brand strategy, it’s time to give it context. The best way to give your brand context is to meet your clients where they are.  Give them relevant and helpful content, services and products.

Communicate to them in a way that aligns to where they are in the buying cycle and how that relates to what you have to offer.

Tell them about the real benefits and outcomes, make them see your solutions in real terms, for THEM.

Step 3: Easy Engagement

Make it easy for your clients to buy from you.  Are you offering your audience what they need and reaching them where they are? Be it time, price, packages, channels?

What used to be relevant may have changed – how can you package your skills, knowledge and business to be more relevant and easier for your clients to need you, now?

Step 4: Serving is Selling

Make client services part of the business practice.

Design out your customer journeys end to end. At each touch point, consider how you can weave in your brand values, voice and personality.

Make it remarkable.

Give it a budget.

Consistently show up. Respond to your clients, issues, complaints AND praise! When you listen, you win and they win.

Build these four steps into the way you do things end to end and you’ll create a brand experience that build the kind of loyalty that sees clients doing all the selling for you.

If you’re ready to create a brand that wins the hearts, minds, and wallets of your customers so much that they do all the selling for you, then hit reply now and we’ll set up a time for a virtual coffee chat.

Lauren 🌱

I also have a Exceptional Experience online course on offer, if you want to check that out – just $40