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5 Brand Lessons we can all learn from Jonathan Van Ness

Aug 16, 2019 - by Lauren Jones
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Hands up if you’re in LOVE with Jonathan Van Ness??

It got me thinking about the lessons we can all learn from the King of Grooming when it comes to building your brand:

1. Be authentically you

If you struggle with who you really are, dig deep, ask awkward questions and trust your gut

2. Lead with purpose

You want to bring joy to others, help others and bring your bit of expertise and sparkle? Then focus on that

3. Be remarkable

The world is full of vanilla: be stand out, rainbow, metallic, covered in sequins… make people remember you

4. You are a constant WIP

Never too far down the road to learn new skills, try new things and push yourself and your business

5. Make it fun

Otherwise, what’s the point?

We can all be a little bit @JVN, your customers and team will thank you.

Yaaas queen!